A woman, separated from her unfaithful husband, falls for a younger man who has moved in next door, but their torrid affair soon takes a dangerous turn.
Details for the movie The Boy Next Door (2015)
Director: Rob Cohen
Starring: Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Guzman, Kristin Chenoweth, Lexi Atkins
Genre: Thriller
Country: USA
Cheating Scenes in The Boy Next Door (2015)
Claire (Jennifer Lopez) kicks her husband out because she caught him cheating. However, she does not file for a divorce and actually gives her husband a chance to win her over again. So her husband visits her and their son from time to time to try to slowly win them back.
One day, Claire meets Noah, a young handsome boy who just moved in with his uncle next door. Noah becomes the best friend of Claire’s son as the movie progresses and eventually, Claire finds herself getting attracted to him, too.
One night, Claire peeks on a naked Noah on his bedroom window. Noah catches him peeking.
During a weekend night, when Claire’s son and husband are away on a camping trip, Noah invites Claire over to his house with the excuse that he needs help in salvaging the chicken that he screwed up cooking.
Claire comes over and they have dinner and a drink together. Noah makes his move and starts kissing Claire. Claire refuses a bit but eventually gives in. They have sex.
In the morning, Claire regrets what she did and tells Noah that what they did was wrong. She tells him that their affair will not go on any further. Because of this, Noah gets psycho on her for the rest of the movie.
Claire’s husband and son come home from their camping trip. Noah asks Claire to tell them what happened during the weekend. It is a malicious question because he is referring to the sex that they did. Claire stutters a bit and replies that there was a thunderstorm during the weekend. Claire’s husband tells them that they did not experience any thunderstorm at their camping site. To this, Noah replies, “Well, it got pretty wet here.” Of course, he is referring to Claire’s pussy getting pretty wet during their lovemaking, but Claire’s husband is totally clueless about it so he just answers, “Wow.” Claire changes the topic immediately.
One time, Noah fills Claire’s classroom with pictures of them having sex. Claire has to lock the classroom for several minutes and hide all the pics before letting her students in.
Later in the movie, there’s a scene where Noah joins Claire in the kitchen and tries to fondle her boobs from behind while her son and her husband are just in the living room.

More info for The Boy Next Door (2015)