Juha is 38 years old and has three small children and a depressed wife. He sees himself as strong and believes a man should provide for his family. But one day Juha is fired from his job. Ashamed, he weaves a web of lies to hide the fact from his family. With the help of his friend Olli, Juha begins prostituting himself to support his wife and children. With this he makes in two hours what it took him two days to earn before. The shame and deception mushroom, but the pay from the new profession seems to offset the downside.
Cheating Notes
23:47 - Juha eats a wife's pussy with her husband's knowledge. Non-nude and non-explicit.
1:08:55 - Intimate moment between Juha's wife and his friend. They hold hands while she rests her head on his shoulder. An affair between them doesn't come to fruition.
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