The narrator of a radio show called “Barulho na Cidade” (“Noise in the City”) tells five erotic episodes:
(1) “Sexo Diferente” (“Unusual Sex”): Carla dos Anzois Pereira (Malu) writes a letter to the show, telling that her little husband Sergio (Jose Carlos Sanches) is no longer sexually interested on her, and requested she finds a lover to “heat” their marriage.
(2) “Rapto do Onibus” (“Kidnapping the Bus”): while robbing the passengers of a bus, a thief has a big surprise.
(3) “Como Vai o Seu Peru?” (“How Is Your Turkey?” – in Portuguese “peru” is a slang word for penis): The cuckold Seu Nenem is married with the unfaithful Terezinha Machadinha, who cheats him with many men. His neighbor Zeca Mentira, who is married with Mariazinha Levatrouxa, tries to have an affair with Terezinha.
(4) “Sonhos Que Matam” (“Dreams That Kill”): Aristides and Aristeu are vagabonds and best friends. When Aristides finds the picture of a beautiful girl, he dreams on her.
(5) “Bacanal Sangrento” (“Bloody Gang-Bang”): When the Almeida family travels to Cabo Frio, their maid organizes a gang-bang in their apartment, with tragic consequences.
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