Autumn Ball (2007)
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 123 min | Year: 2007 |  Estonia

Autumn in Estonia, where six people live, six solitudes, prisoners of the monotonous architecture of Soviet-era concrete buildings, in search of human companionship, of love, of a ray of light in an ocean of gray.

A young writer called Mati is stalking his ex-wife, while also trying to make unsuccessful passes at other women. Augusti is a barber living a dreary bachelor life who forms a bond with a little girl, but his approaches are misconstrued as pedophilia. Laura, a single mom, tears up over sappy soap operas, but refuses real-life advances from clueless men, because her ability to trust has been ruined by her violent drunk of an ex-husband. Maurer, the architect, worries about the well-being of humanity, but ignores his own wife Ulvi, who in turn looks for solace in the arms of a coatroom attendant named Theo. Women have always liked Theo, but due to his low social status, they don't take him seriously. All of these people might inhabit identical tower blocks, but they couldn't feel more alienated from each other if they tried.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Maurer, the architect, worries about the well-being of humanity, but ignores his own wife Ulvi, who in turn looks for solace in the arms of a coatroom attendant named Theo.

Ulvi's cheating scene with Theo is at 1:25:47. Non-nude after-sex kissing in bed only.

Original / Other Title:  Sügisball

 Director:  Veiko Õunpuu

Genres: Drama

Country:   Estonia
Language:  Eesti
Release Date:  13 September 2007

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