Brava (2017)
3.1 (7)

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 91 min | Year: 2017 |  Spain

A woman is sexually assaulted by two young delinquents in a subway in Barcelona. Because of that, she travels to the countryside to her father's house and tries to rebuild her life from that traumatic experience.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

After getting sexually assaulted by two young delinquents in a subway in Barcelona, Janine, who has a live-in boyfriend travels to her father's house in the countryside and there, has a sexual encounter with Pierre, his father's tenant.

8:50 - Janine is sexually assaulted by two young delinquents in the subway. They make him suck one of the guys' dick.

1:04:30 - Janine is naked in the shower.

1:16:25 - Janine kisses Pierre in the middle of the road, then she has sex with him in the woods beside it, up against a tree. She asks him to give it to her hard, possibly influenced by her sexual assault experience. He obliges and bangs her hard.

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