A child of the sixties sexual revolution, beautiful, sensuous Marguerite is addicted to sex and money. She is kept by a wealthy duke, has a string of young lovers and hosts wild orgies in her luxurious villa. When she falls in love with the handsome bachelor Armand, he insists on absolute fidelity. Known by her reputation, Armand's controlling father soon intervenes, triggering a tragic turn of events.
Cheating Notes

Marguerite, a trophy girlfriend kept by a duke, has a string of young lovers and hosts wild orgies in her luxurious villa. We see her fuck at least two of her young lovers, De Varville and the main character Armand.
Marguerite fucks Armand at 28:40, 42:45 and 1:01:42.
At 57:30, Armand sees Marguerite fucking De Varville and gets disappointed. He then sends her a message written on the back of a chick, which reads: "You are a whore! I was an idiot."
Marguerite and Armand break up. There's a masquerade party/orgy at 1:32:00 where Marguerite is being led with a chain by De Varville. In that costume, she and De Varville watch as Armand tries to make her jealous by fucking a chick in front of her.
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