Ciao Ciao
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Year: 2018 |  France China

A free and wild young woman has to come back from the big city to her village in the mountains.

Pretty Ciao Ciao is back from Canton to visit her parents in their mountain village. She plans to return to the city as soon as possible, but her parents expect her to help out. Ciao Ciao is trapped between her duty and the desire to lead a life of her own.

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Cheating Notes

The wife has sex with the village barber. Her relationship with her husband is doomed from the start, as she wants to be in the big city rather than being stuck in her village. The village barber is young and he comes from the big city too, so the wife is able to relate to him in that way.

We do not see the wife and the barber have sex, unfortunately. We only see the wife buttoning up her blouse inside the barber shop after her husband kicks its door open.

We do have some sex scenes in the movie, though.

First, there's one  between the husband and a chick in the beginning. The couple is not yet married at this point. The chick looks nice and has a great body. I thought she is the wife at first because they have the same body type.

Second, we also see the husband and the wife have sex a few times, but no nude shots. The wife is really defiant when she has sex with her husband, which shows her contempt towards him, especially when he reneges on his promise that they will go and live in the city.

More Info for Ciao Ciao (2017)

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Categories: Asia, Cheating, Cheating Wife

Original / Other Title:  巧巧

 Director:  Song Chuan
 Stars:  Liang Xueqin


Country:   France China
Language:  Mandarin
Release Date:  25 April 2018

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