Enchanting Lady (1999)
3.2 (6)

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 54 min | Year: 1999 |  Thailand

A group of five friends go to the countryside for a vacation and has an encounter with the local mythical sex nymph.

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Cheating Notes

A group of five friends goes on a vacation to the countryside. They consist of two couples in boyfriend-girlfriend relationships and a single male.

One guy's girlfriend makes out with the single male (11:40) and could have had sex with him, however, he stops making out with her and tells her to go back to her sleeping drunk boyfriend. That she does, and she has sex with her boyfriend instead. Later, she will also have sex with the third guy (24:36), whose girlfriend is the second female in the group.


Original / Other Title:  แม่สาวพราวเสน่ห์, Glamorous Girl, Charming Lady, Mae Sao Praw Saneh


Genres: Fantasy, Drama, Erotic

Country:   Thailand
Language:  Thai
Release Date:  5 May 1999

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