Izmeny (TV Series) (2015) aka Infidelities
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 48 min | Year: 2015 |  Russia

An incredible story of a young woman who had a husband and three lovers. The series describes what is happening with the fate of people who are cheating and who are being cheated on.

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Cheating Notes

Asya, at the beginning of Episode 1, has two lovers: a cop and her boss. She acquires a third lover by the end of the episode: a rich kid who is a friend of her husband's younger brother. We see her kiss them, but we don't really see any real sex scene between her and them (usually the scenes are before or after-sex scenes only).

Asya reunites with her friend Dasha, now a rich man's wife, during a traffic incident. Dasha is in the process of divorcing her husband in Episode 1 because she caught him cheating, but that doesn't push thru. Instead, after learning of Asya's lovers, she wants a lover of her own.

Dasha has sex with Asya's cop lover on the couch at the end of Episode 11 and the beginning of Episode 12. Non-nude. They are interrupted when Asya knocks on the door.

Vimeo.com (with English subtitles)


Original / Other Title:  Измены, Infidelities

 Director:  Vadim Perelman

Genres: Drama, Comedy

Country:   Russia
Language:  Russian
Release Date:  21 September 2015

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