Just Between Us (2010)
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Just Between Us
 87 min | Year: 2010 |  Croatia France Slovenia Serbia

Nikola is a man who knows how to really enjoy life; he's even able to rouse sympathy for his philandering ways. His brother turns a blind eye to his philandering although, with a broken marriage behind him, he doesn't have a clear conscience, either. Is there anything positive to be said about infidelity, or does it simply deserve the utmost contempt, particularly when it's more premeditated than spontaneous?

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

13:54 - Nikola fucks his wife on the couch, but he couldn't finish because he couldn't get it up for her.

19:00 - Nikola fucks Dakorva, a literature student.

25:40 - Braco fucks a student of his.

43:46 - Nikola fucks his mistress.

51:24 - Braco's estranged wife fucks her young lover. She's fat.

Original / Other Title:  Neka ostane među nama, Neka ostane medju nama

 Director:  Rajko Grlić

Genres: Drama, Comedy

Country:   Croatia France Slovenia Serbia
Language:  Hrvatski
Release Date:  10 March 2010

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