The story is set in Guagua, Pampanga a decade after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo which ravaged the province with lahar. It follows the lives of Rodolfo "Mang Rudy" Manansala, a woodcarver, and his three daughters and their relationships with the people close to them in the span of seven summers.
Cheating Notes
The three sisters are Lourdes (married), Grace (married), and Jesusa (lesbian with a girlfriend, Rowena).
Grace has sex with her husband (38:03), but she isn't satisfied because he comes prematurely, as usual. It's too bad that she doesn't cheat on him because of this. Non-nude, some cleavage.
Lourdes has an affair with the bank manager who approved her loan application. She has sex with him at 46:52. It's basically an after-sex scene only and she's covered in a sheet. She doesn't fuck him for the approval of her loan per se, as she seems to admire him, especially in comparison to her less successful husband, and is happy to have sex with him.
Lourdes' husband bangs her (55:26), but the expression on her face suggests that she'd rather be having sex with the bank manager. Flashbacks of her husband forcing himself on her in the past are shown while they are doing it.
Jesusa has lesbian sex with Rowena (1:20:56). Rowena eats her pussy but only Rowena's naked upper back is shown.
Strategic nudity only, at most. I would have loved to see Grace (
) cheat and get naked as she seems to have a great body beneath her tight jeans and shirt. Rowena ( ) ain't so bad either. Both are exotic brown beauties. I do know a film where played as a cheating wife and it will be up for review sometime in the future.
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