Kuma: The Second Wife (2012)
3.3 (10)

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Kuma: The Second Wife
PG-13  93 min | Year: 2012 |  Austria

Our main character is a young woman Ayse, who we see getting married to Hasan, the oldest son of Mustafa and Fatma. Later on, after having moved to Austria, we see that it was actually a scam marriage. In fact, Ayse becomes the 2nd wife of Mustafa, sleeps with him in the same room, and even carries and gives birth to a daughter as a result. Fatma has planned all this, being afraid to die from cancer. The latter does not come true, due to successful medical treatment.

Hasan also lives in the same house, but he is satisfied with the situation as it is, because of a secret he is hiding (being gay). For him, it was just a convenient way to get his aunts and sisters off his back, and he can now continue hiding his secret. We find out about his secret much later, when he reveals it to Ayse after she admits to having an eye on him.

Several intertwining storylines illustrate the complex situation Ayse found herself in, all of this confined in an apartment in Vienna where they all live. The daughters of Mustafa and Fatma have difficulties accepting her as a new mother in the event that Fatma dies. And, of course, there are problems with the language and other things Ayse finds different in Austria and needs getting used to.

Rather than Fatma, who is declared cured of cancer, Mustafa dies unexpectedly and leaves the family unprovided. After some hefty discussions about their common future, Ayse decides to take a job in the local supermarket. While working overtime she gets more and more intimate with a male colleague, but they are caught in the act by her family. Especially Fatma does not take it lightly. Internal relations change considerably in the fallout, and daily life finds a new consensus after a tumultuous period.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Aysa gets married to Hasan in Turkey, and maybe their wedding is legitimate there, but when Hasan's family takes her to Austria where they are based, she is to actually become the second wife of Hasan's father, even if it's not official and even if the family members themselves introduce her to friends as Hasan's wife. It is Hasan's father who sleeps with Aysa on her honeymoon (implied sex only) and he is also able to impregnate her.

Hasan's father dies. Hasan reveals to Aysa that he is gay, but technically, I guess they are still married by Turkish law.

Aysa starts working in a grocery store and eventually begins an affair with a co-worker. They first kiss at 1:02:56, and then they make out longer and have implied sex in the storage room at 1:05:06. Their hottest scene, although still not nude, is at 1:12:50, where they start making out in the grocery's front and then move to an office in the back where they pet more heavily, with her sitting on a desk while he is standing between her wide-open legs. They are going to get caught in this scene.

The stream below has better quality but no English subtitles.

Original / Other Title:  Kuma

 Director:  Umut Dağ

Genres: Drama

Country:   Austria
Language:  German, Turkish
Release Date:  27 April 2012

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