Midaq Alley (1995)
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NR  140 min | Year: 1995 |  Mexico

The most awarded film in Mexican history.

Based on the Nobel Prize Winner's novel, the Egyptian Naguib Mahfouz. The story, translated from El Cairo to Mexico City's downtown, narrates the life of the members of the neighbourhood and the connection between them: Don Ru, the owner of the local pub; Eusebia, his wife; Chava, his son and Abel his friend, who emigrates to USA in search of fortune; Susanita, the single landtender always dreaming to marry a good man; Guicho, the pub's employee, who extracts the money when Don Ru is not there and finally marries Susanita; Alma, the very good looking girl, Abel's dream, who becomes a high-class prostitute while he's away; Jimmy, the handsome young man Don Ru becomes infatuated with, etc.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Alma (Salma Hayek) gets seduced and starts dating an older, seemingly rich man while her boyfriend is in the USA. She makes out with him at 1:19:00 at his place but leaves when she finds out that the place is a brothel for rich clientele. She comes back and fucks him at 1:25:25 (non-nude). She then becomes a courtesan, but we don't see her service any client.

Original / Other Title:  El Callejón de los Milagros

 Director:  Jorge Fons

Genres: Drama

Country:   Mexico
Language:  Spanish
Release Date:  5 May 1995

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