No Limit (2022)
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 119 min | Year: 2022 |  Belgium France United States of America

Roxana Aubrey decides to drop her studies and escape her life in Paris for a free diving course in the south of France. She is quickly pulled into a life that reaches new depths brought by the weight of an ocean's descent.

When Roxana meets world champion freediver, Pascal Gauthier, she falls head over heels in love. She becomes both lover and student as Pascal initiates her into an extreme sport that's as enthralling as it is death-defying. Moving from one competition to the next, in dive locations across the world, Roxana begins to push limit after limit, wholly consumed in the throws of this passionate affair... but where will it end?

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Roxana Aubrey decides to drop her studies and escape her life in Paris for a freediving course in the south of France. There, she starts a relationship with Pascal, one of the diving instructors, when she accepts his advance and has sex with him in a bar's bathroom during a night out (14:30). They also have sex later at 37: 13 and 1:12:00. They're hot.

After arguing with Pascal one night, Roxana goes to a bar. Tom, another diving instructor interested in her even from the start, finds her there and joins her. A little bit drunk, she flirts with him, confides to him that she thinks (or knows) that Pascal is cheating on her, and that maybe she chose the wrong man between him and Pascal. She initiates the kiss and they make out (1:16:40), but Tom stops because maybe he's afraid of Pascal who is more alpha than him.

After following Pascal and witnessing him making out with another woman, Roxana comes to Tom, cries on his shoulder, makes out with him and has implied sex with him (1:26:45).

The stream below is English dubbed but the timings given above doesn't match with it perfectly, so adjust accordingly.

Original / Other Title:  Sous emprise

 Director:  David M. Rosenthal

Genres: Drama, Romance

Country:   Belgium France United States of America
Language:  French
Release Date:  9 September 2022

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