Palitan (2012) aka Exchange
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 120 min | Year: 2012 |  Philippines

Ramiro, the shrewd owner of an electronics shop, through a process of bartering and bargaining, convinces his ill-tempered and non-too-bright employee Nestor to give him videos of his wife taking a bath in exchange for the erasure of his debts. But would Ramiro really settle for just a video when he is in a position to actually seduce Nestor's wife?

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Cheating Notes

Ramiro offers his employee Nestor a chance to have his debts erased in exchange for videos of his wife Luisa taking a bath. Initially, Nestor gets offended, but eventually, he gives in and gives Ramiro his requested videos. He took the videos without Luisa's knowledge.

Ramiro sees Luisa trying to buy panties from a street merchant but she lacks money (38:36). He offers to buy it for her. She refuses but he continues on offering her, invading her personal space and getting really close to her face while he talks to her. The boss also touches Luisa's leg when she hops onto his bike after he insists that he gives her a ride home. This is a sexy scene, that of a boss taking advantage of his position to make sexual advances toward his employer's meek wife.

Luisa tells Nestor about what Ramiro did, saying she feels somewhat violated by the way Ramiro touched her. Nestor, not wanting to create trouble with his boss, tells her that she's just putting too much malice on it and even scolds her for hopping onto Ramiro's bike.

Luisa comes to Ramiro's shop, looking for Nestor because she needs to pay their electric bill. Ramiro offers to pay it for her. She refuses, but Ramiro insists and tells her to manicure his nails (she's a freelance manicurist) so that she won't feel embarrassed about his offer. After their manicure session, Ramiro makes a move on Luisa but she resists and gets away from him.

Ramiro comes to the couple's place while Nestor is out (50:44). Luisa doesn't want to let him in but he is again very insistent and is able to get inside. She cries while he's making his moves on her, but eventually, at one point, you can see by the way she looks at him that her cries are not because she doesn't want to get fucked by him anymore, but because she is now attracted to him and is conflicted whether she should cheat on her husband or not. She gives in and starts having sex with him, and we are treated to a very long and very erotically-shot cheating scene.

The cheating duo has sex again at 1:06:01. Luisa is more aggressive and active this time as she climbs on top of Ramiro. Lust, rather than doubt or remorse, can be seen on her face.

At the end of the film, Nestor catches Luisa and Ramiro petting heavily in an abandoned room of the couple's apartment building.


I don't know why I held on so long from watching this very HOT cheating wife film. Well, maybe because the low-budget-indie feel of its screenshots didn't give me the assurance that it's one hell of a slow-burn, highly rewarding affair. Recommended.

Note: A few lines of dialog between Ramiro and Luisa in their manicure session state that Luisa and Nestor are not married, but that doesn't matter since they consider themselves as husband-and-wife and the people around them treat them as such.

Original / Other Title:  Palitan, Exchange

 Director:  Ato Bautista

Genres: Crime

Country:   Philippines
Release Date:  1 December 2012

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