Path of the Beast (1980)
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 71 min | Year: 1980 |  Japan

This film essentially begins with a 17-year-old girl by the name of "Saki" (Ayako Yoshimura) finally capitulating to her boyfriend "Sotoo" (Mon Muso) and engaging in sex with him on a nearby beach. Feeling somewhat frustrated when it is all finished, she subsequently decides to go back home on her own. Along the way she catches a ride with a slightly older man named "Ataru" (Yuya Uchida) and after some conversation decides to have sex with him the next day. To her surprise, she becomes pregnant not too long afterward and decides that since she enjoyed her encounter with Ataru then he must therefore be the father. To her dismay, however, she then discovers that both Sotoo and Ataru have two completely different reactions to her pregnancy and because of that she has to decide whether to keep it or not and which person to settle down with.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

At the end part of the film, the girl's older lover fucks her in front of her younger boyfriend and the latter is too cuckolded to do something about it.

Original / Other Title:  少女娼婦 けものみち

 Director:  Tatsumi Kumashiro

Genres: Drama, Romance

Country:   Japan
Language:  Japanese
Release Date:  29 March 1980

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