Patient 001 (2018)
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 87 min | Year: 2018 |  United States of America

A desperate wife agrees to have a baby cloned from her comatose husband's DNA. However, the husband gets better and they get rid of the baby - until the past comes calling decades later in a mix of mystery, lust and violence.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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A desperate wife agrees to have a baby cloned from her comatose husband's DNA. However, the husband wakes up from his coma and when he finds out that the baby is his clone, he buries it alive in the woods. The doctor responsible for the cloning saves the baby and raises him to adulthood. 23 years later, the clone is now a handsome young man and happens to come back into the life of the couple. They don't know that he was the baby clone that the husband tried to get rid of as he doesn't exactly look like him. The wife hires the young man to do some work on her lawn, which eventually leads to them having sex (57:00, 59:25). It's a nice hot sex scene.

 Director:  Katie Fleischer

Genres: Science Fiction

Language:  English
Release Date:  14 February 2018

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