Carmen is everything you would want in a woman, sexy, classy, and loyal. Unfortunately being with her soon-to-be husband for 12 years who has cheated on her with a ton of women has caused her to go looking for love. She finds a man who treats her right and makes her feel like a woman, but it comes at a deadly cost. It's a small world, and sometimes....money isn't the root of all evil... LOVE is.
Cheating Notes

The chick is a rich feisty one with a successful drug supplier fiance while her lover is a broke-ass drug dealin' homie from the hood. She and her lover first meet when they bump into each other, sending her groceries flying all over. They meet again when he returns the wallet that she dropped. She is being a cockblock to him during their first few meetings, then she slowly warms up until they become lovers. They have sex at least two times (the third one's more like a flashback). The first one is at 47:20. Their sex scenes are quite hot even if they're just moderately explicit. Part of the reason is because the development of their relationship progressed nicely leading to it.
(spoiler) Now, the chick didn't tell her lover that she already has a fiance, who turns out to be her lover's upper-tier drug supplier. When the middleman between her fiance and her lover is killed, her fiance and her lover start interacting directly and become close to each other.
So there's a very tense moment when the chick's fiance introduces her to her lover for the first time (1:19:45). Although the chick and her lover are quite surprised, they don't reveal to her fiance that they already know each other and are in fact, lovers. But the lover feels that he disrespected his supplier and makes some snarky remark about just seeing some little whore passing by with some other nigga. Of course, he's actually referring to the chick, who closes her eyes out of guilt upon hearing it.
The next two very tense moments are when the chick tries to break it off with her fiance but he confronts her at gunpoint and tells her that he knows about her lover, and after that, when the fiance comes to the lover's house, supposedly for some drug-dealing stuff but he could be there for revenge. The tension is quite high because you don't know if somebody's going to die in those two scenes.
Recommended as an erotic infidelity film and also as a hood film. If you like movies like Boyz n' the Hood and Menace II Society (1993),then you will like this too.
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