Rita (2024)
4.4 (12)

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 113 min | Year: 2024 |  Philippines

Rita, whose husband Ariel goes to work overseas, begins an affair with Royce, Ariel's best friend and best man at their wedding. Ariel also finds solace and sexual satisfaction from his male boss. When Ariel comes back, they both act like nothing happened. But will this keep their marriage from falling apart?

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Cheating Notes

Rita, whose husband Ariel goes to work overseas, begins an affair with Royce, Ariel's best friend and best man at their wedding.

31:17 - Royce visits Rita at her place and sees her masturbating. This leads to them making love and marks the beginning of their sexual affair.

39:24 - While Rita is making love to Royce, her husband calls. She starts a video chat with him while Royce starts eating her pussy below. Since she can't stop Royce, she starts pretending to pleasure herself while talking to her husband.

52:22 - Ariel returns home and the couple has sex.

1:03:26 - Rita wants to end her sexual affair with Royce now that Ariel is home, but Royce doesn't want to and tells her to come to his place or else, he will tell her husband about their affair. Rita agrees and has sex with him at his place, but tells him it will be the last time. However, Royce records their lovemaking and uses it to continue blackmailing her, and this time for money.

1:22:21 - Rita comes back to Royce's place to give him the money he asked for. He rapes her and then pees on her after.

1:41:04 - Rita and Ariel come to Royce's place and have a threesome with him, but that's just to distract him primarily so that they can take away the sex videos of them that he recorded. It doesn't go as planned.




 Director:  Jerry Lopez Sineneng

Genres: Drama

Country:   Philippines
Language:  Filipino
Release Date:  22 March 2024

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