Sindrom nedoskazannosti (2015)
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 93 min | Year: 2015 |  Russia

Anton and Yulia are going to get married and arrange a meeting for their parents. It turns out that Larisa, Anton's mother, and Vladimir, Yulia's father, knew each other in their youth. Moreover, the modest and inconspicuous Larisa was in love with the wealthy and arrogant Vladimir and she herself became the initiator of their closeness ...

Now, Vladimir is a successful businessman. His beloved daughter Yulia and his disabled wife are in his care. An energetic and healthy man, he looks with interest at the sweet and charming Larisa, who suddenly reappeared in his life...

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Cheating Notes

Anton and Yulia are going to get married and arrange a meeting for their parents. It turns out that Larisa, Anton's mother, and Vladimir, Yulia's father, are former lovers when they were young. The two parents resume their affair.

Kissing, implied sex, and after-sex dialog in bed only. Non-nude.

37:30 kiss in a unit being constructed in a building, interrupted by construction workers.
48:25 kiss, implied sex and an after-sex dialog in bed after jumping one scene.
1:01:15 after-sex dialog in bed.
1:23:12 almost caught kissing by Larisa's son, but even if he doesn't see them kiss, he figures out what's up.

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Original / Other Title:  Синдром недосказанности

 Director:  Sergey Lyalin

Genres: Romance

Country:   Russia
Language:  Russian
Release Date:  12 September 2015

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