Someday We’ll Tell Each Other Everything (2023)
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 129 min | Year: 2023 |  Germany

Set in a warm summer in 1990 in former East Germany, it follows a young woman who begins a relationship with a charismatic farmer who is twice her age.

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Cheating Notes

The movie follows Maria, a young woman who, despite already having a boyfriend and living with him, begins a relationship with Henner, a charismatic farmer twice her age.

2:33 - Maria has sex with her boyfriend.

9:34 - A tense moment between Maria and Henner after she is nearly attacked by his dogs. He runs his hand from her shoulder to her chest.

27:00 - Maria has sex with Henner after he helps her and her mom in a car accident.

50:30 - Henner screws Maria roughly from behind while she leans on a desk.

1:06:25 - Maria stays at Henner's house for a few days when her boyfriend goes to the city. Here, we see an after-sex scene of her and Henner.

1:09:02 - Henner gives the sick Maria a bath. She pulls him towards her as he starts to leave and they have sex. This is their most passionate sex scene.

1:13:57 - Maria's boyfriend comes back from the city and tries to have sex with her, but she rejects him.

1:49:15 - Maria and Henner argue. She wants to leave her boyfriend and be with him but he doesn't want that, telling her that their little town will rebuke her. She says she still wants to be with him anyway and they have sex for the last time.

Original / Other Title:  Irgendwann werden wir uns alles erzählen

 Director:  Emily Atef

Genres: Drama

Country:   Germany
Language:  German
Release Date:  13 April 2023

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