Sweet Peach (1993)
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Sweet Peach
 108 min | Year: 1993 |  Hong Kong

A high-end call girl's ex-boyfriend, who is the reason why she became a call girl in the first place when he left her, comes back to her life to ask for her cooperation in defrauding two of her old classmates who are now married to rich men.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

A high-end call girl's ex-boyfriend comes back to her life to ask for her cooperation in defrauding two of her former classmates who are now married to rich men. A perk of the scheme (or you can say that it is a part of the scheme) for her ex-boyfriend is that he gets to bed the two wives.

Plus, a bartender fucks a customer who is drinking heavily at the bar one night. She even pays him after. Initially, we get the impression that she is the wife of a rich, disabled old man. But the bartender later finds out that she is the aunt of his classmate/roommate whose father is the disabled old man.


Original / Other Title:  蜜桃來偷歡

 Director:  Lau Siu-Kwan

Genres: Romance, Drama, Crime

Country:   Hong Kong
Language:  Mandarin
Release Date:  10 June 1993

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