Teenage Little Sister (2018)
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 101 min | Year: 2018 |  South Korea

A junior in college lodges in his aunt's house when he starts going to the university. He ends up having physical relations with her. However, he starts getting jealous of an uncle who is having an affair with her. Instead of cutting ties with his uncle, she drops him instead. Meanwhile, his cousin a.k.a his aunt's daughter, starts going to the same university and hanging out with him and his friends. They end up having sex. However, he is disappointed when she introduces him to her boyfriend. Eventually, he graduates and moves out of his aunt's house. After a while, he visits his cousin and has sex with her again. But that would be the last time because she is set to leave for the United States to follow her boyfriend.

More Info:  TMDB

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Original / Other Title:  사춘기 여동생

 Director:  Lee Sang-soo

Genres: Romance

Country:   South Korea
Language:  Korean
Release Date:  13 June 2018

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