The African Deal
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 105 min | Year: 1973 |  Italy Ghana

An inter-racial affair against a background of corrupt businessmen attempting to manipulate the national resources of an emerging nation that bears a distinct resemblance to Ghana.

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Four Italian business representatives--an amoral swinging couple (George Hilton and Anita Strindberg), a camp gay (Franco Giornelli), and the kept mistress (Yanti Somer) of the powerful company head--are sent to Ghana to oversee a rather shady business deal. Trouble arises when the kept mistress begins an interracial affair with a representative (Calvin Lockhart) of the equally powerful Ghananian magnate they are negotiating with. The interracial lovers quickly find themselves embroiled in international corporate intrigue.

Calvin Lockhart (from the British werewolf film "The Beast Must Die") is good as the black protagonist, but Yanti Somer is much weaker as his white lover. Hilton and Strindberg are enjoyably evil, particularly the latter as a malicious tease who contemptuously strips off and flaunts her body in front of the African men. The gay guy is a rather offensive stereotype, but that's pretty typical of Italian films of the era. Don't expect too much political correctness here, but if you like these kind of films for some reason (perhaps you huffed too much paint as a kid?),this is one of the more serious, intelligent and interesting ones.

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There's a different cut from the one above, one with more sex scenes in it.

Original / Other Title:  Contratto carnale

 Director:  Giorgio Bontempi

Genres: Drama

Country:   Italy Ghana
Language:  Italian
Release Date:  30 August 1973

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