An Chang-jin is a barber, a third-generation barber, in fact. He chats with customers, cuts their hair, and shaves them. His everyday life is so ordinary and dull at the peaceful barbershop, except that his wife is young and beautiful. Then, one day a strange customer, Kim Yang-gil, visits the barbershop. He has LOVE tattooed upon each of his finger joints. He gets a shave, a haircut and then blackmails him for a hit and run incident and demands money three times a week. The intimidator takes double the money each time he visits. The barber gradually is driven into a corner and he wants to escape from the bully but it is beyond his capacity because the intimidator is smart, minute, violent, mean and sly. Moreover, the intimidator casts an amorous glance at the barber's wife and the barber, who can't bear this anymore, hires a detective. The appearance of the detective seems to bring him peace but it's just for a while. On the contrary, the curious detective watches for a chance to catch the barber unaware plus his riddling wife complicates this affair. The odd encounter with the barber, the stranger, the detective and the barber's wife comes to an unexpected end.
Cheating Notes

Near the beginning of the film, we see the wife enter a hotel room with a rich-looking dude. Her excuse to her barber husband that day was that she will meet a client to sell him insurance.
At 28:30, the wife flirts with the blackmailer while she's giving him a haircut. Her husband sees this while peeking behind the backdoor. He enters the shop and startles the wife who is hunching down on the blackmailer so that he can whisper something to her ear.
The husband follows the blackmailer after one of his visits to the shop and sees him meeting his wife in a restaurant (51:29). The scene cuts off and we see the husband continuing to follow the blackmailer, who catches him and beats him up. While the barber is on the floor, the blackmailer throws a pair of panties at him and tells him to wipe his blood off with them. He tells him that they're his wife's panties and that he fucked her.
Back at home, the drunk wife arrives and sees her panties, which her husband intentionally put on a chair so that she can see them when she arrives. Her excuse to him is that she met the blackmailer to sell him insurance and regarding the panties, she tells him that she was looking for them and thought that some pervert might have stolen them in the laundry. She does have panties on when she undresses, so is she telling the truth?
At 1:00:50, the wife fucks the blackmailer on the barber's chair. But it turns out that this is just a fantasy of the barber.
At 1:17:33, the wife fucks the detective in his SUV, but we only see the shaking of the SUV from outside to imply that. She fucks him because he is blackmailing him, not for the blackmailer, but for his other affair with the rich dude earlier.
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