The Hunter’s Silence (2019)
2.9 (16)

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 99 min | Year: 2019 |  Argentina

In the missionary jungle, Ismael Guzmán, a seasoned park ranger, patrols the reserve daily in search of poachers. Orlando Venneck is a beloved settler in the area and, like his ancestors, he is a hunter. Sara Voguel, a committed rural doctor, is married to Guzmán and used to be Venneck’s fiancee. Both venerate the mountain in their own way, but a jaguar appears and this generates a confrontation between them. Behind the tourist postcard of the park hides a world besieged by passions, conflicts of interest and fights. The spiral of violence will become inevitable and blood will flow.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Orlando is a brat whose wealthy family is a pioneer in their area and wields great influence in the community. He keeps hunting in the park, which is illegal and puts him in conflict with Ismael and his fellow park rangers. Ismael's wife, Sara, is Orlando's ex-fiancée. The three of them grew up together.

29:50 - Sara has sex with her husband Ismael. It is hot.

1:00:37 - Ismael and Sara have sex, but she tells him to pull out in the middle of it because she doesn't feel like it.

1:12:08 - Sara comes to Orlando's place to talk to him about the growing conflict between him and her husband. This leads to them making out on the couch but she stops it and leaves.

1:21:48 - When Ismael comes to Orlando's place, Orlando's maid gives him Sara's ring and says she found it while cleaning. This implies that Sara may have fucked Orlando.


The rivalry between Ismael and Orlando was so intense, that I wish we had seen Orlando fuck Ismael's wife.

Original / Other Title:  El silencio del cazador

 Director:  Martín Desalvo

Genres: Drama, Thriller

Country:   Argentina
Language:  Spanish
Release Date:  16 November 2019

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