The Wind Turns (2018) aka Le Vent tourne
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 88 min | Year: 2018 |  France Switzerland

Pauline, with her husband Alex, raises her animals far from the modern world. When Samuel arrives to install a wind turbine on the farm, her values and her love for Alex are put to the test.

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Cheating Notes

Pauline, with her husband Alex, raises her animals far from the modern world. Samuel arrives to install a wind turbine on the farm and Pauline feels attraction for him. He notices her looking at him, etc. Their feelings for each other develop as they talk and interact more.

26:08 Samuel holds Pauline's hand in the fog and hugs her while they're looking for her daughter.

37:14 After coming home from a bar with another female character, Pauline knocks on Samuel's door and fucks him. The scene is dark but we still see something.

Pauline sabotages the windmill so that Samuel will return to fix it. When he arrives, her husband Alex notices that Pauline is very happy to see him, so he starts getting suspicious.

58:27 After dinner, Pauline walks Samuel to his sleeping quarters in the barn. When they reach the barn, they start making out. Her now suspicious husband follows them and when he shines a flashlight on them, they separate just in time. But I think that based on their position, it is obvious to Alex that they were being intimate.

1:03:31 After fighting with her husband in bed, Pauline comes to the inn(?) where Samuel is staying that night and fucks him. The scene is bright so we see her boobs, but it's a little short.

1:12:06 Pauline fucks Samuel again. This is their best sex scene as it's long and bright.

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HD, Russian dubbed

non-HD, original French audio

Original / Other Title:  Le Vent tourne, With the Wind

 Director:  Bettina Oberli

Genres: Drama

Country:   France Switzerland
Language:  English, Russian, French
Release Date:  26 September 2018

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