Travel Essentials (2024)
3.7 (10)

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 105 min | Year: 2024 |  Germany Poland

Ada is an American journalist of Polish origin. She has just moved to Hamburg with her partner and is struggling to find her way in the new reality. One day, a mysterious package arrives at the editorial office where she works.

Ada, a respected journalist, receives a package with an autobiographical book dedicated to her, describing the childhood trauma caused by sexual abuse by her father. It turns out that the author is her school friend, Roksana. The women set off on a journey to the town where they grew up to confront the past and close the unsettled issues that have cast a shadow over their lives. However, once there, it turns out that their mother fiercely guards family secrets, maintaining the image of an ideal husband and family. Ada decides to describe this complicated and intriguing story in a reportage , although for her, Roksana's topic is not really the most important one on the journey. She also has to come to terms with the demons of the past - they are the ones that prevent her from moving forward in her relationship with her partner, with whom she is heavily pregnant. The emotions between the heroines thicken, and Ada finds it increasingly difficult to keep her distance and assess what is a lie and what is truth.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Ada, the main character, doesn't cheat on her partner, but her school friend, Roksana, who is married and has two kids, does.

At 49:05, Roksana has a slow dance with her ex-lover in a bar. They kind of make out a little bit and then she runs away.

At 56:56, Ada and Roksana kind of kiss in Ada's hotel room.

At 1:04:54, Roksana has sex with her ex-lover at his place and dances naked in front of him.

Original / Other Title:  Rzeczy niezbędne

 Director:  Kamila Tarabura

Genres: Drama

Country:   Germany Poland
Language:  English, German, Polish
Release Date:  27 September 2024

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