Venezzia (2009)
4.3 (8)

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 90 min | Year: 2009 |  Venezuela

The movie is set in 1942 when the United States begins an espionage program in South America due to the potential threat of Nazi submarines in the Caribbean. Venezuela, though not officially at war against the Axis powers, had been supplying oil to the allies during the Second World War. Frank Moore (Herrera), an Hispanic American spy, travels to a small town in the Caribbean coastal area of Venezuela where he meets Venezzia (Rodriguez), the wife of a Venezuelan commander Enrique Salvatierra (Romero), and they both begin a romantic relationship which will make them forget the reality of a world at war.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

During World War II, a Hispanic American spy is sent to a small town in Venezuela to do his spying and gets involved with the wife of a Venezuelan commander. Their first kiss is at 1:05:44. Their first sex is at 1:15:55 (in a falls first then in the bedroom). The moderately long wait is quite worth it just to see the nice curves of the wife that she has been hiding beneath her conservative clothing.

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