Visitor Q (2001)
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R  84 min | Year: 2001 |  Japan

The only thing stranger than this family is... Visitor Q.

In a dysfunctional family where the mother is a heroin addict and prostitute, beaten by her son, and the father is an ex-TV reporter, sleeping with his daughter and filming his son being beaten up, ‘Q’, a complete stranger enters the bizarre family, changing their lives for the better, finding a balance in their disturbing natures.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Warning: Not for everyone.

39:03 - The wife prostitutes herself, catering to the masochistic whim of her client by whipping him.

48:51 - The wife has her first sexual entanglement with her husband's stay-in visitor, Visitor Q. He caresses her breasts from behind and squeezes them, making milk squirt out of them.

1:00:31, 1:06:50 - Visitor Q tries to squeeze the wife's breasts again, but she stops him and tells him that she has learned to squeeze them herself, and does so in front of him. A lot of milk comes out of her breasts.


You've been warned.

Original / Other Title:  ビジターQ

 Director:  Takashi Miike

Country:   Japan
Language:  Japanese
Release Date:  17 March 2001

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