Vite strozzate (1996) aka Strangled Lives
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 108 min | Year: 1996 |  Italy France Belgium

Francesco is an entrepreneur in the building industry. His company is near to collapse if it doesn't win a deal to build a new school complex. It needs at least 60 million liras to participate to the deal, but all the banks refuse to lend the money. A corrupt bank employee introduces him to Claudio, apparently an assistant of Sergio, Francesco's old school friend. Sergio is an accountant available to lend Francesco the money he needs. Francesco wins the deal, but soon he discovers that Claudio is not what he says.

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Cheating Notes

47:40 - The wife is carrying her sleeping baby, which she breastfed earlier so part of her dress is still wet from the feeding and one of its straps is still down. Her husband's business partner comes in, so she pulls up the strap of her dress. After talking for a while, the guy pats the head of the child, but what he's really aiming for is the wife's breasts. He lets the back of her hand slide over the wife's breast. The wife looks at his hand as it touches her breast and then says something snarky to him. Quite hot.

54:20 - The guy comes to the wife's office. He tries to kiss her but her secretary comes in before his lips touch hers. They go down to the building lobby via the elevator, with the wife saying no to the guy about something. When they reach the lobby, her husband is there, so they have to make some excuse on why he is visiting her. It could be a valid business excuse.

1:02:16 - The guy makes advances towards the wife in her office again. This time, they are alone. He grabs her boobs and then her crotch and kisses her lips while she's objecting hard. For several seconds, she gets carried away and is kissing him back. Then, she cries and pulls away from him and slaps him, so he backs down and leaves.

1:18:34 - The guy visits the wife and forces himself onto her again. She resists at first but eventually gives in and lets the guy fuck her on the floor. Unfortunately, the scene cuts off early, so we only see them getting down together on the floor, with her legs sprawled wide open and him on top.


It was a nice reward in the end for the husband's asshole business partner to finally bang the wife as she was resistant until the end. However, their sex scene was anti-climactic since we were only shown the beginning of it. After all of that resistance from her, I would have loved to see her hot, luscious body bounce up and down on top of the prick while they were down on the floor.

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Original / Other Title:  Vite strozzate, Strangled Lives

 Director:  Ricky Tognazzi

Genres: Crime, Drama

Country:   Italy France Belgium
Language:  Italian
Release Date:  23 February 1996

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