West (2007)
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 90 min | Year: 2007 |  Australia

Pete and Jerry are cousins and best friends living in Sydney's Western Suburbs, where life consists of drinking, getting stoned, getting in fights and hanging out. But things change forever when Pete and Jerry both fall in love with the same girl, Cheryl. First, she becomes Jerry's girlfriend, then she begins an affair with Pete.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

12:34 - Jerry fucks Cheryl. They become a couple.

21:20- Jerry fucks his girlfriend Cheryl and beside them, Pete fucks Cheryl's friend, Stacey in a tunnel. As he is climaxing on top of Stacey, Pete shouts Cheryl's name, indicating his attraction toward his cousin's girlfriend.

28:52 - Jerry and Cheryl fuck. We see her breasts.

49:48 - Pete and Cheryl almost kiss but they are interrupted.

54:36 - Pete and Cheryl fuck. She doesn't take off her bra.

1:05:23 - Pete and Cheryl make out at the back of his workplace.

1:11:24 - Pete and Cheryl kiss in the parking lot, where she tells him that she feels like a slut for cheating on Jerry and that she's pregnant.


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