White as Snow (2019) aka Blanche comme neige
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White as Snow
 112 min | Year: 2019 |  France

Claire is a beautiful young woman who works at her late father’s hotel, which is now managed by her evil stepmother Maud. Claire unwittingly sparks uncontrollable jealousy in Maud, whose lover has fallen in love with Claire. Maud decides to get rid of Claire who finds shelter on a farm where she’s allowed to break free from her strict upbringing through encounters with seven “princes.”

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Cheating Notes

Claire is being more promiscuous than unfaithful, as her relationship with the first guy she fucks in the remote town isn't really a committed one.

First, Claire has sex with the guy who saved her from being killed (30:00). They do it outdoors. Then, she has sex with the guy's twin brother on the couch, thinking he is him (36:50). She only finds out after sex, when the twin brother, who has a speech impediment, starts to talk. He tells her not to tell his twin brother that they fucked.

Claire also has sex with a veterinarian (1:01:26). He's a beta-type needy guy who can't even defend her from a guy who harassed her on the dance floor. Normally, beta cucks like that wouldn't score, but since Claire feels very free-spirited at this time of her life, she gives him one pity fuck in his car, and then she cuts him off, at least on the sex part, which makes him frustrated and leads him to punch another guy out of jealousy.

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Original / Other Title:  Blanche comme neige

 Director:  Anne Fontaine

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Country:   France
Language:  French
Release Date:  10 April 2019

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