Zeit und Lust (Short) (2021) aka Time and Pleasure
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 35 min | Year: 2021 |  Switzerland Sweden

Moni, mother and wife, accidentally runs into Milad, a young Iranian tourist and, feeling the heat, they embark on a little adventure in the Swiss mountains, which includes sex.

More Info:  IMDB

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Cheating Notes

The wife's sex with the Iranian tourist is at 19:00. It's very raw and very intense, even if she only takes her bottom off and not her shirt. They do it on top of a table in a cottage in the mountains. First, he fucks her while she's seated on the table, then he makes her turn around and fucks her from behind while she leans on the table. After their lovemaking, we see the wife naked when they take a dip in a stream.


Short but sweet and highly erotic.

Original / Other Title:  Zeit und Lust, Time and Pleasure

 Director:  Pablo Callisaya

Genres: Drama

Country:   Switzerland Sweden
Language:  svenska, English
Release Date:  1 January 2021

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