Kaho Kasumi and Rina Takeuchi are neighbors. Kaho’s husband and Rina go to work daily at the same time. Kaho is left at home and gets to know Rina’s husband more when he gets locked out of his apartment.
Details for the Jav movie ADN-006
Other Titles: Revenge Of The Husband Next Door, Wives Kaho Kasumi Takeuchi Rina Gauze In Love
Director: Nishino Tatsuo
Starring: Kaho Kasumi, Risa Murakami as Rina Takeuchi
Genre: JAV
Country: Japan
Cheating Scenes in ADN-006
Note: Watched without subtitles.
The two couples live adjacent to each other in an apartment building. We see Kaho Kasumi and her husband coming out of their front door and she is sending him off to work. Next door, Risa Murakami comes out too, but without her husband.
On the same day, Kaho arrives in the apartment building and sees that Risa’s husband is locked out of their apartment. So she invites him into her apartment and lets him stay there until Risa arrives. She serves him drinks. Risa’s husband’s pants get wet because of the sudden burst of water from the faucet. Kaho instinctively grabs a cloth, kneels down in front of him and wipes the crotch area of his pants. She doesn’t do it with malice, but this gets a rise out of him. Her husband calls, probably telling him he’ll be late. Kaso and Risa’s husband have a meal together and share a few laughs, but nothing happens at this time.
Meanwhile, we see Risa on her knees and still wearing her office attire blowing somebody. The guy’s face is not shown, who could he be? He comes on her tongue and his cum drips down from her mouth to her chin. She cleans his dick off with her mouth after.
The next day, same thing happens, Kaho sends her husband off to work and Risa comes out next door at the same time to go to work too. It’s very convenient that Kaho’s husband and Risa go out daily at the same time.
A little while later, Risa’s husband knocks on Kaho’s door and it seems he’s staying in for the day because he is not in his office attire. Risa smiles when she sees him, probably because they really had a good rapport yesterday. He comes inside her apartment without really being invited and shoves her aside a bit. She’s taken back and a bit surprised, but still smiling because he probably has her complete trust already. Which is a mistake on her part because he starts forcing himself onto her. Risa’s husband rapes Kaho that day and gives her a facial.
When Kaho’s husband arrives later, she does not tell him about the rape. The next day, after her husband leaves for works, she locks her door and doesn’t let Risa’s husband in, in spite of his persistent knocking. However, on another day as she is about to enter her apartment, he suddenly comes out of his door and grabs Kaho and gets inside her apartment with her. He forces himself onto her again. She is still whining but later, after he gives her a massive fingering, it seems she can’t continue denying the pleasure that he is giving her and looks into his eyes with passion and even starts to move her own lips when he kisses her. So when he puts his dick in her face, no more force from him is necessary as she puts it in her mouth and gives him a blowjob.
While they are in the middle of fucking, Risa comes home into her apartment and hears Kaho’s moaning through the wall. She smiles, but I’m not sure if it’s because she knows that it’s her husband screwing Kaho or if she is just happy that Kaho is getting some without really giving it a thought who is fucking her at that moment.
In the next scene, we now see who Risa is messing around with; it’s Kaho’s husband. This time his face is shown and we see them have full-on consensual sex. Unlike Kaho, Risa doesn’t whine at all and seems to enjoy Kaho’s husband very much. They do several sex positions and Kaso’s husband gives Risa a facial, just like what Risa’s husband did to Kaho earlier.
Next, we see Kaho having consensual sex with Risa’s husband. I guess this time, with her husband always out because he is screwing Risa, and the real pleasures that she experienced due to Risa’s husband’s greatness in bed, she has no other option but just to give in. It’s their best sex scene in the movie since she’s cooperative now and very much at it. Not good for you if you like rapey scenes more, though.

More info for ADN-006
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