Fruits of Passion (1981)


A girl loves a rich and much older man and is willing to do everything he wants to show her love, but he is playing a sick game with her. As part of this game, he sends her to a Chinese brothel. A poor young boy sees her and falls in love with her. To get the money needed to sleep with her, he joins “the revolution”. Additionally, the movie shows the fate of some […]

Love at the Top (1974)


Nicholas Mallet, an inconspicuous and shy bank employee, one day successfully invites Marie-Paul, a young woman he hadn’t known before, in the streets of Paris to a café and sleeps with her the next day. When he tells his surprised friend Claude about the incident, the disillusioned and handicapped writer develops a plan to control and manipulate Nicholas’ life. First of all, he procures him to Roberta, a professor’s frustrated and bored wife…