Liebe ist nur ein Wort (2010) aka Love Is Just a Word


The 21-year-old Oliver Mansfeld is currently doing his A-levels in a boarding school in a small town in Taunus. The director of a local bank is Manfred Lord, whose marriage to his wife Verena Lord (Nadeshda Brennicke) has become dull. She longs for an affair and the young attractive Oliver is just right for it. By chance, the two get to know each other. Oliver and Verena immediately fall in love. However, their relationship does […]

Vier Tage Toskana (2008) aka Four Days in Tuscany


Because the late Berlin artist Dorn failed to pay his taxes or inform the family for years, his widow Erika and daughters must urgently sell the splendid estate in Tuscany they hardly visited since his death anyhow. Eldest daughter Valerie, junior partner in fiancĂ© Andreas Imdahl’s rising architects firm, travels ahead to negotiate with the suitable candidate Robert Beck, a fellow German, who agreed through mayor-publican Fredo to keep caretaker Antonio ‘Toni’ Gianni. By the […]