A young man comes into the life of a fish vendor and his wife. They let him live in their home and give him a job in their store. The fish vendor starts treating him like a son he never had, but his wife is treating the drifter in a special way, too. Their son comes back and suspects that something is going on.
Details for the movie Caught (1996)
Director: Robert M. Young
Starring: Edward James Olmos, Maria Conchita Alonso, Arie Verveen
Country: USA
Cheating Scenes in Caught (1996)
Joe is a fish vendor and his wife is Betty (Maria Conchita Alonso). A young guy named Nick comes barging into their shop one day. They take him in, makes him stay in their house, and gives him a job at their fish store.
One night, Betty talks to Nick while he only has a towel on because he just came from the shower. She looks awkward and can’t help glancing several times at his half-naked body and touching her feet and neck like she’s feeling hot.
Nick comes home one day and sees Betty naked in her room and applying lotion on her body. Betty looks at him intently and didn’t really scramble to cover herself up. Instead, she covers herself and closes the door only after he has passed.
While Betty is taking a bath, Nick is seen lying in his bed and seems like he’s horny thinking about her. He comes out and stands outside the bathroom and contemplates whether he should enter and bang Betty. He decides against it and gets a drink from the refrigerator instead. Betty comes out of the bathroom wearing a sexy robe and comes to his side. She is awfully close to her and seems very happy because of a favor he did for her earlier. He is talking about leaving. Then suddenly it gets intense between them. Betty moves her face towards Danny’s and they make out. He carries her towards his bedroom and they have their first sex (not shown) while Betty’s husband is sleeping in the other room.
Next day, Betty makes a special meal, a rice pudding. Joe tells Nick she “hasn’t made him rice pudding in twenty years. What’s gotten into her?” Well, the answer is Nick’s dick. But Betty’s official answer is “she’s in the mood.” Joe makes her sit on her lap, and they’re being sweet with each other and all, while Nick, who just screwed Joe’s wife last night, is silently eating his rice pudding in the background.
Betty and Nick have sex inside a closet in Nick’s bedroom.
While Joe is in the living room drinking his beer and watching TV, Nick is embracing Betty from behind in the kitchen and smooching with her.
Danny, the Son Comes Home
The couple’s son, Danny makes a surprise by coming home unannounced along with his wife and kid. When he opens the door to their home, his mom is currently being eaten out by Nick in his bedroom. Betty is still reeling when he comes out of Nick’s bedroom to greet his son. When Danny comes into Nick’s bedroom, his mom’s panties are still hanging in a furniture by the bedside. Nick and Betty notice it and throws alarming glances at each other. When the son is distracted, Nick hides Betty’s panties inside his cowboy hat.
Danny talks to Nick about his mom. That she’s a hot mom. That when he was in high school, all his friends have the hots for her. In college, they thought she was his girlfriend. By the way, Danny is really very kissy and touchy with his mom. Makes you think he has the hots for her and gets every chance he gets to touch her.
Joe wakes up one night and finds his wife is not beside him. He enters the bathroom and uses the toilet, unaware that his wife and Nick is behind the shower curtain all naked and showering together. The two stand still and hold their breath. Joe didn’t catch them this time.
The family along with Nick have an outdoor picnic. Somebody puts his foot between Betty’s legs under the table. She assumes it’s Nick’s, so she caresses it. But it’s actually her son’s foot, who wants to confirm his suspicion about the two. Betty slaps her son.
Nick and Danny’s wife, Amy
There’s a missed opportunity at cheating between Nick and Danny’s wife, Amy.
One day, Nick delivers fish to Danny’s home. He finds Amy trying to bathe her son. He enters the bathroom and helps Amy with her son and gets wet like Amy. Amy is wearing her shirt sexily by the way. It is soaking wet, open in the middle and both ends are tied at the bottom, so her bra and her cleavages are showing a bit. Danny arrives and gets a little pissed. He tells Nick that since he has already taken his original bedroom anyway, why doesn’t he stay longer and “have a wife.”
Amy meets with Nick outside one day and confides in him that Danny just beat him. She cries on his shoulder. She says he accuses her of having an affair with Nick. Nick is very touchy with her, but nothing comes out of it. He puts her and her kid on a bus to run away from Danny then hugs her and kisses her goodbye.
More info for the movie Caught (1996)
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