Erotic Boundaries (1997)
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A married woman seeks the fulfillment she can’t find in her marriage by visiting a secret club where participants explore sexual boundaries.

Details for the movie Erotic Boundaries (1997)

Director: Mike Sedan

Starring: Kathy Shower, Carolyn Renee Smith, Lisa Comshaw

Genre: DramaErotica, Thriller

Country: USA

Cheating Scenes in Erotic Boundaries (1997)

Reggie wakes up after dreaming of sex. She tries to make love to her husband Dave who is sleeping beside her, but he refuses, saying he has to go to work. This establishes that we have a sexually frustrated wife.

Reggie unexpectedly meets Beth, a former lesbian lover from college. She gives her a calling card of a club and encourages her to go there tonight while touching her in her sensitive parts and kissing her in a bar’s ladies room.

That night, Reggie’s husband says he can’t come to their dinner because of work, so she makes this as an excuse to go the club. There, she sees Beth getting fucked by a guy on a stage. Jake, the owner or manager of the club, approaches her, caresses her naked shoulders and encourages her to join the club. He kisses her but she pulls away, so he tells her not to come back there until she knows what she wants.

The next night, Jake calls Reggie while she is with her husband in their bedroom. He talks dirty to her. He also calls her at her workplace the next day and continues making sexual talk with her.

Reggie visits her husband at his office and sees his sexy secretary Janet down to her bras and panties lying on his desk. Dave spanks Janet and Janet starts kissing him. Reggie does not make a scene and leaves, so she doesn’t see that Dave pulls away from Janet’s kiss.

Because she saw her husband cheating, Reggie goes to the club, ready to cheat herself. Jake fucks her, but not before making her crawl towards him first.

Jake hooks up with Reggie’s sister

Jake intentionally hooks up with Kat, Reggie’s sister who lives with the couple. One day, Reggie is surprised and mad to see Jake inside her house, introduced by Kat as her new boyfriend. Dave likes Jake because he knows how to fix cars. He doesn’t know that Jake also fixes sexually frustrated wives and has already fixed (aka fucked) Reggie, his own wife. Jake caresses Reggie’s tummy while Dave and Kat are not looking.

Reggie goes to the club later and slaps Jake, telling him to stay away from her sister. She just ends up getting naked down to her underwear and wanting Jake’s dick inside her, but  Jake doesn’t fuck her and tells her to leave.

Later that night, Jake calls Reggie while she is beside her sleeping husband and tells her to masturbate. After resisting a bit, she does it.

The next day, Beth comes to Reggie’s office and tells her to meet her at the club an hour later. Reggie reluctantly obliges, and they have lesbian sex in the club while Jake watches.

Jake fucks Reggie in the backyard

Kat brings Jake during dinner time at the couple’s house. Reggie shows her disapproval of Jake and is rude to him. So Dave tells Jake to go and talk to his wife in the kitchen and try to gain her approval. So Jake comes to the kitchen and tells Kat that her husband wants them to know each other a little better and starts touching her from behind. Reggie tells him that she knows him too well already.

Reggie goes out to the backyard to throw some trash. Jake follows her and starts kissing her. She tries to resist, but lust makes her powerless, so she stops resisting and Jake fucks her from behind, asking her if she had ever been fucked in front of her husband before.  Reggie can see her husband and her sister through the window while Jake fucks her from behind.

Reggie’s turn to put on a show in the club

Reggie goes to the club again and this time, Jake puts her on the stage, rips her clothes off, and gets some guy to fuck her on the stage while he and the club members watch.

Reggie and her husband confess to each other

In the final part of the movie, Dave admits to Reggie that he fucked Janet (who, at this point, accuses him of sexually abusing her to get money from his company). Reggie also admits to Dave that she cheated on him with Jake.

Final Thoughts

The best part for me is when the wife gets fucked in the backyard while she can see her husband and sister through the window.

More info for Erotic Boundaries (1997)


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