Alfie Darling (1975)
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 102 min | Year: 1975 |  United Kingdom

...cockier than ever!

Alfie Elkins (Alan Price) returns, up to his old womanizing ways--until he meets his match in sophisticated magazine editor Abby Summers (Jill Townsend). His pursuit is complicated by his encounter with Norma (Sheila White) and the fact that a jealous husband won't let him forget about his time with his wife Fay (Dame Joan Collins).

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

12:48 - Alfie fucks Louise, a French waitress who works at her husband's cafe, when the latter goes out early in the morning to get some fish. (The hotter cheating scene in the movie).

37:50 - Alfie has a dinner date and then sex with Fay while her husband is away. He talks to her husband on the phone while Alfie is making love to her.

1:01:27 - Alfie fucks Fay again. Her husband comes home so he has to escape through the balcony.

1:05:50 - Alfie kisses his best friend's black fiancee in front of him.

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