An existential affair between a married woman and her much younger lover, becomes both a sensual and philosophical experience. Petra (Gretchen Becker -Hollywood Homicide, Ed Wood, Dream Lover) and Mark (Alex A. Quinn, son of Oscar-winning actor, Anthony Quinn) hold their stolen 'sessions' in assorted hotels. Restless, Mark looks for more adventurous fantasies for them to experience beyond the confines of their hotel room. This leads them to a fetish club, where they continue to live out their S&M fantasies. Jealousy and resentment turn their sexually charged relationship on and off through the years. Nevertheless, their enduring passion encourages them to attempt a normal, traditional relationship -but is their twisted love beyond redemption?
Cheating Notes

Cheating immediately starts at the beginning of the film, with the wife meeting and banging her young lover in a hotel room.
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