Anomalo fortio (1977) aka Dangerous Cargo
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Dangerous Cargo
 92 min | Year: 1977 |  Greece

A mutiny aboard a weapon smuggling vessel results in the ship’s first officer dead, the captain incapacitated, and the captain’s wife vulnerable.

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Cheating Notes

First off, there's sexual tension between the captain's wife and the first mate because apparently, they are ex-lovers. We see a flashback scene of their dating and kissing when the first mate is having sex with his girlfriend, and their lovemaking when he enters her cabin and sees her taking a bath (her husband arrives in this scene and shoves the first mate hard onto the couch, castigating him for peeping on his wife).

The wife always gives the first mate an intense look, like she wants to have sex with him, but unfortunately, the mutiny leader kills him before something sexual really happens between them two.

Now as to the captain's wife and the leader of the mutineers, after he takes over the ship, he rapes her (it doesn't turn consensual). Then, he molests her in front of her tied husband. When her husband is killed, she grieves but quickly regains her composure and starts executing her plan. She changes into a sexy outfit, comes up to the deck with a bottle of fake whisky on hand, joins the mutineers' celebration and starts kissing some of the crew in front of the mutiny leader. This makes the leader mad and he orders his men to take her to her cabin. She invites him to come with her, saying who knows what she might do in her time of grieving, and that it's only him who can protect her from his lustful men.

The wife then fucks the mutiny leader willingly inside her cabin, and two more times after that, like recognizing that he is now the new alpha male on board. But her ultimate plan is to gain his trust so that she can escape, and when that fails, she lights the fuse of the explosives that he rigged the ship with, making the ship explode and taking him down with her while they're having sex.


HOT. Deborah Shelton can make you weak in the knees just by looking at you with her seductive gaze. She satisfied with her sex scenes with her husband, with the first mate in a flashback scene, and with the mutiny leader (the hottest were with the mutiny leader). The only thing that could have made this movie hotter was if she fucked the mutiny leader (even if her intention was to deceive him) while her husband was still alive.

More info for Anomalo Fortio (1977) aka Dangerous Passion (with English subtitles)

Watch Full Movie Online (with English subtitles)

Original / Other Title:  Ανώμαλο φορτίο, Dangerous Cargo, An Abnormal Load

 Director:  Kostas Karagiannis

Genres: Action, Crime

Country:   Greece
Language:  Greek
Release Date:  1 January 1977


  1. This is an awesome Wilf movie..I did feel like the actress in this movie has been exploited a little bit…..this has almost like a software porn type sex scenes given the budget of the movie seems very high for this type of movie.

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