Antique Box (aka ปอบ หวีด..สยิว)
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 74 min | Year: 2001 |  Thailand

A group of friends goes on a trip to the countryside. They stir the hunger of an ancient witch who possesses one of the females in their group. She makes her seduce and kill the men one by one. The only thing that could possibly stop her is what's contained in an antique box that the group stumbled upon.

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Cheating Notes

A group of friends are having a campfire with some dancing. This guy with a scarf on his head dances with a chick wearing a yellow top and they get a little physical. His girlfriend (whom he fucked earlier in the movie), who is wearing a skimpy shorts, picked a guy wearing a jacket to dance with her and they dance beside Scarf Guy and Yellow Top Girl.

Jacket Guy seems to be interested in Yellow Top Girl so he is a bit jealous of Scarf Guy. Skimpy Shorts Girl, meanwhile keeps getting the attention of her boyfriend. Scarf Guy gets annoyed at her eventually, and leads the Yellow Top Girl to somewhere private. Jacket Guy sees them leaving and gets disappointed and goes to somewhere isolated as well. Skimpy Shorts Girl follows him, seduces him, and they have sex. Jacket Guy  probably knows that she is Scarf Guy's girlfriend but fucks her anyway as revenge for Scarf Guy's hitting on his crush.

Meanwhile, Scarf Guy also has sex with Yellow Top Girl, but she gets possessed by the ancient witch (not yet shown in this first instance, but later in the movie it is shown that she is indeed being possessed) so she kills him after they have sex.

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Original / Other Title:  ปอบ หวีด..สยิว


Country:   Thailand
Language:  Thai
Release Date:  1 January 2001

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