Baby (TV Series) (2018)
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 50 min | Year: 2018 |  Italy

Can you keep a secret?

Fed up with their families and classmates, two teen girls from a wealthy part of Rome are drawn to the city's underworld and start leading double lives: students by day and escorts by night.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Related Characters

Ludo/Ludovica - A female student who gets into a relationship with Fiore, a bartender in a men's club owned by Saviore. Fiore and Saviore will turn her into an escort.

Chiara - A female student who becomes the friend of Ludo. She also becomes an escort because of Ludo's influence. She continues on meeting and screwing clients after she becomes the girlfriend of Damiano, and he doesn't find out about it for a while.

Monica - A married teacher who gets into an affair with her student named Nico.

The only scenes with nudity are at S02E05 and S03E02, both non-cheating scenes.


10:33 - Chiara is having a secret affair with Nico, whose girlfriend is Victoria. She and Nico have sex.

31:56 - Ludo begins a relationship with Fiore, a bartender in a men's club owned by Saviore and has sex with him.


33:17 - Ludo has dinner with Fiore and his boss Saviore. Saviore proposes to Ludo to become an escort. Fiore is reluctant because he likes Ludo. Ludo is disappointed because she feels that Fiore hooked up with her for the reason of turning her into a whore.

42:40 - Chiara kisses an older man in the club, on the dance floor.


33:42 - Chiara is convinced by Ludo to become an escort, or at least date them and see what happens. She dates a client, likes him and has sex with him (he gives her oral sex on the couch). She refuses to accept money from him, says she doesn't need it, but he insists.

34:38 - Damiano begins a relationship with Camilla, Chiara's best friend but not for long. They kiss on a boat.


17:54 - Ludo has implied sex with a dentist on his dental chair.

35:09 - Fiore looks weary as he looks at Ludo dancing with men on the dance floor.

42:00 - Saviore molests a drunk Ludo in the backseat of the car while Fiore watches hopelessly in the front seat.


19:29 - Ludo has sex with Fiore, while Chiara makes out with Damiano while they take a dip on a lake. They become a couple later after Damiano dumps Camilla.

27:14 - Monica, a married female teacher, makes out with her Nico, a student, in the school's comfort room and has implied sex with him.


04:47 - Ludo has sex with a client.

11:10 - Chiara kisses Damiano in the school's hallway, making it clear publicly that they are now together.

19:31, 21:07 - Chiara and Damiano kiss in the club's pool and in a room at the club. She isn't ready to screw him yet.

40:52 - Chiara has sex with Damiano in the car. She rides him.


37:09 - Monica and Nico screw in the school's pool during nighttime, when no one is around.

45:18 - Chiara has implied sex with a client in a hotel.


00:25 - Chiara screws a client, interspersed with another scene where she screws her boyfriend Damiano.

21:04 - Monica tells Nico that their affair cannot continue because she has a family.

41:47, 46:38, 48:09 - Chiara dances with an older guy in a masquerade party in a men's club now run by Fiore. She comes with him to a hotel room upstairs and makes love to him (still a paid arrangement, likely). While she's riding him on the bed, Brando, Chiara's schoolmate, enters the room and records them with his phone.


32:00 - Ludo has incomplete sex with a client.

35:28 - Monica talks to her husband.

39:10 - Chiara breaks up with Damiano and pretends to be Brando's girlfriend to dispel a gay rumor about him. This is a deal that Brando proposed to her in exchange for not spreading her sex video. They kiss in front of everybody in the school's hallway.


14:21 - Chiara rides a client. Her naked back is shown here and maybe a little bit of her side boob.

29:53 - Damiano has paid sex with Natalia, an escort he drives for. Nude.


21:22 - Chiara and Damiano have sex but they are not back together.

43:00 - Damiano sees pictures of Chiara dating her clients in a private detective's computer.


32:23 - Chiara has sex with a client . We see her boobs for the first time as she rides her client, but she could be using a double here as the scene is quite dark and her face is obscured by her hair.

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