Damnation (1988)
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 116 min | Year: 1988 |  Hungary

A lonely barfly falls in love with a married female bar singer.

"Kárhozat / Damnation" tells the story of Karrer (Miklos B. Szekely), a depressed man in love with a married woman (Vali Kerekes) who sings at the local bar, Titanik. The singer has broken off their affair, despite her profession of love for him. She wants to improve her life. She dreams of becoming famous, but she herself embodies all of Karrer's hopes and dreams. Karrer is offered smuggling work by Willarsky (Gyula Pauer), the bartender at Titanik. Despite his lack of other prospects, Karrer tries to haggle with Willarsky over his take. Karrer eventually decides to offer the job to the singer's husband, Sebastian (Gyorgy Cserhalmi), who has fallen on hard times. This gets the husband out of the way for a while, but things don't go as Karrer plans with the singer. There's a big, drunken dance, which everyone in town attends (though one demented soul prefers to dance maniacally in the rain outside). Afterwards, one betrayal falls upon another, leaving Karrer in despair.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

The lonely barfly and the married female bar singer have sex at 57:55. Strategic nudity only.

Original / Other Title:  Kárhozat

 Director:  Béla Tarr

Genres: Drama, Crime

Country:   Hungary
Language:  Hungarian
Release Date:  20 October 1988

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