I Love You, Goodbye (2009)
2.7 (3)

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I Love You Goodbye
 117 min | Year: 2009 |  Philippines

Lizelle Jimenez, a simple woman, is torn between Adrian, the man who showers her with love and wealth, and Gary, her ex-boyfriend who lets her experience love and freedom. Who will Lizelle choose?

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Lizelle is now the live-in girlfriend of an older, accomplished doctor. Her ex-boyfriend, who left her without a word a few years back so she's mad at him, comes back to her life through the doctor's daughter (he is the daughter's photography tutor and the daughter is attracted to and wants to hook up with him).

The doctor goes out of town for work while Lizelle takes a weekend vacation with old friends, including her ex-boyfriend. She makes out and pets heavily with her ex-boyfriend on the beach (1:11:40) after he makes her face her fear of jumping in the water.

Lizelle has a sex scene with her current boyfriend at 11:44, and a flashback sex scene with her ex-boyfriend when they were still together at 34:34.

Non-nude, but I find the cheating couple's heavy petting session on the beach hot enough.

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