Martino’s Summer (2010)
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 81 min | Year: 2010 |  Italy

The story takes place in the summer of 1980 in Brindisi, Italy. Martino is a young man whose father isn't giving him enough attention. He spends his summer with his older brother and the latter's friends, including his brother's girlfriend, Silvia, a young northern Italian who spends her holidays in the country's south. He and Silvia get entangled in a summer affair. Their location is beside an American military base north, and Martino becomes friends with a US military officer, Captain Clark, who teaches him how to surf.

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Cheating Notes

Silvia, the pretty girlfriend of Martino's older brother, gives him a light kiss on the lips when he gives her a dog tag (15:18).

Silvia and Martino swim on the beach together (33:20). He tries to kiss her on the lips (36:22) but she moves her head and kisses him on the cheek instead.

Martino imagines Silvia standing over him without a bra (45:57).

Silvia and Martino hang out and swim together on the beach again (57:14). She tells him that she told her boyfriend (Martino's brother) that she will sleep over at her female friend's house tonight, but her real intention is to spend the night with Martino. They end up kissing passionately and making love beside the bonfire (1:00:06). Strategic nudity only but we do see her boobs in an inserted scene where she is floating on the water.

In the morning, Martino's brother comes to the beach and finds them together. A confrontation ensues. She tells her boyfriend that no, she and Martino weren't together and didn't fuck last night. That she came to the beach only that morning, after deciding to go for an early swim. It seems like Martino's older brother is going to accept her excuse but then he turns around and starts beating Martino up, because deep inside him, he knows that he has just been cuckolded by his little brother.

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Original / Other Title:  L'estate di Martino

 Director:  Massimo Natale

Genres: Drama

Country:   Italy
Language:  Italian
Release Date:  19 November 2010

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