My Faithful Husband (TV Series) (2015)
2.5 (2)

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 30 min | Year: 2015 |  Philippines

Emman works in a funeral home and is the sole breadwinner of his family. Meanwhile, Mel is a beautiful, spirited, and ambitious woman who just got her heart broken by her boyfriend Dean. They meet and instantly became good friends.

Not long after, Mel finds out that she is pregnant with Dean's child. Because he cares for Mel, Emman will claim that he is the child's father and offer to marry Mel. Not wanting her unborn child to not have a father, Mel obliged to Emman's proposal.

Everything was going smoothly in their relationship until Dean comes back to Mel's life. She suddenly gets confused about her feelings, and Mel's weakness eventually led her to spend a night with Dean.

Once Emman finds out about his wife's unintentional betrayal, will he let her go? Or will he do everything to make her fall in love with him again?

How will Mel prove to Emman that she regrets everything that happened between her and Dean? Will she be able to gain her husband's trust back?

What will Dean do when he eventually finds out that he is the father of Mel's firstborn? Will he fight for his right, or leave Mel again?

More Info:  IMDB

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Cheating Notes

With English subtitles.

Watch All Episodes 1-70

Episode 8

Wife tries to avoid ex-boyfriend.

Episode 10

Ex-boyfriend attempts to kiss wife. She rejects him.

Episode 12

Husband answers wife's phone and it's the ex calling her. She pretends it's her boss. Then, she utters her ex-bf's name when she starts making love to her husband.

Episode 17

Ex-boyfriend kisses wife in the car when she comes to him to vent about her frustrations towards her husband (she saw him kissing a bar girl).  She kisses back for a while before pulling away.

Episode 19

Wife dates ex-boyfriend. They dance in a bar and have a drink. Then she makes out with him in his car while her husband waits for her at home. She spends the night inside his car, but they seem to just have slept and did not have sex. Maybe the dialogs in the later episodes will tell if they did.

Watch All Episodes 1-70

 Director:  Joyce Bernal

Genres: Drama

Country:   Philippines
Language:  Filipino
Release Date:  1 January 2015

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