My Husband Won’t Fit (TV Series) (2019)
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 30 min | Year: 2019 |  Japan

Kumiko and Kenichi meet in college and build a happy marriage together. But over time, an unusual problem threatens to destroy their relationship.

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Cheating Notes

A husband's penis won't fit on his wife's pussy, but it's more psychological on her part rather than the actual size of his dick. He is able to penetrate her in one of their lovemaking but she bleeds profusely. They try to compensate by doing oral sex, etc, anything other than penetration, but it's not enough for him so he begins watching porn and paying prostitutes to satisfy his sexual needs. He makes sure to leave signs of his prostitute-hiring for her to find so that she's aware of what he's doing and leaves the decision to her on what to do. She doesn't confront him and just lets him be because she pities him and feels guilty that she couldn't satisfy him.

Episode 5

The wife starts hanging out on a message board to talk to someone about her problem. Someone responds to her and makes her laugh, and thinking that they're female, she agrees to meet with them. She finds out that he is a guy and reluctantly comes with him to a hotel room. She says that she's just there to talk, and tries to escape when she finds the opportunity but the guy catches her and lifts her towards the bed and starts making love to her. She resists initially, but only mildly, probably because she's such a timid person and is already aware that her husband is fucking whores. She gives in to the guy, warning him that his penis will not fit in her pussy. However, she is surprised when he is able to penetrate her, fuck her and even climax without her pussy bleeding profusely.

When she gets home, the wife washes her body thoroughly to remove any smell of sex before lying down beside her husband on the bed.

The wife blocks the guy on the message board but with her problems not going away (aside from the problem with her husband, she also has a class management problem in the school where she teaches), she begins entertaining another member at the end of the episode, and we see her driving into a hotel with him.

Episode 6

One of them says that she's like a prostitute for free because they can do what they want with her.

The wife entertains more men from the message board and meets and fucks at least three of them. She even submits to their individual fetishes. One is into BDSM and ties her up. One feeds her sushi and then kisses her and eats the sushi from her mouth. One of them says that she's like a prostitute for free because they can do what they want with her.

The wife meets the first guy she had sex with. He tells her that the message board she has been visiting is actually a dating site and that she has built a reputation there as someone who made up a good fake backstory to get men. She decides to delete her account.

Watch Full Episodes Online (with English subtitles)

Original / Other Title:  夫のちんぽが入らない, My Husband Penis Won't Fit, Otto no chinpo ga hairanai

 Director:  Yuki Tanada

Genres: Drama

Country:   Japan
Language:  Japanese
Release Date:  20 March 2019

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