Night and Day (TV Series) (2016) aka Nit i dia
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 52 min | Year: 2016 |  Spain

Following the everyday life of young forensic doctor Sara Grau, who is married to a senior executive, and the conflict between the desire for a normal life and a very crude reality that begins with the search for a serial killer.

This series centres on the investigation into a series of murders of elderly women in Barcelona. Sara, a forensic pathologist, is married but unfulfilled and has several seedy encounters with other men, which brings her into contact with one who will bring great danger into her work and private life.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes


34:08 - Sara goes to a bar with her colleagues. After her companions have left she hooks up with a bald guy and has sex with him in a hotel room.


49:30 - Sara screws another guy she meets in the bar . They do it standing up in the bar's toilet room.


40:08 - Sara's husband screws his female business colleague during a business trip at the hotel they stayed in. This cheating scene is actually better than Sara's. Sara finds out about this when she calls her husband in the morning  and it's the woman who accidentally answers her husband's phone.


25:15 - Perhaps partly because of her husband's infidelity, Sara hooks up with the bald guy again in the same bar they first meet. They go to a hotel and start making love but the bald guy becomes aggressive  and so their sex ends prematurely.


39:42 - The bald guy becomes Sara's stalker.  When he follows her one night, she steps into his car and gives him a handjob, and in exchange, she tells him to leave her alone.

Non-nude/strategic nudity only. A female character gets naked in front of the mirror at S01E08 (41:46).

Original / Other Title:  Nit i dia

 Director:  Manuel Huerga

Genres: Crime, Drama, Mystery

Country:   Spain
Language:  Catalan
Release Date:  1 February 2016

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